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Fascicolo 2 - Disegni Anno I 2024

Federico Zuccaro's artistic education as evidenced in his drawings

James Mundy
Vassar College, The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Director Emeritus

Poughkeepsie, New York (USA)

At the end of his life, Federico Zuccaro was a world-famous artist who had worked all over Europe for kings, queens, popes, cardinals and many influential and rich patrons of the arts. He had also founded art academies and authored both memoirs and theoretical treatises. Unlike his more artistically gifted and shorter-lived brother, Taddeo, Federico left behind extensive documentation of his activities, his successes and failures. As evidenced in his drawings, this article considers the influences on Federico’s artistic education, particularly those stemming from his brother’s tutelage – in a formal sense – in Taddeo’s atelier, where Federico was tasked with merging his art with that of his brother. This paper aims also to consider the influences of his observation of the natural world and his close study of both historical and contemporary artists, largely through his drawings. Finally, it investigates his attraction to the mechanics of social and political power and his desire to attain fame and material success in the competitive world of which he had chosen to navigate.

Alla fine della sua vita, Federico Zuccaro era un artista di fama mondiale, che aveva lavorato in tutta Europa per re, regine, papi, cardinali e per molti ricchi e influenti mecenati delle arti. Aveva anche fondato accademie d’arte e scritto memorie e trattati teorici. Diversamente dal fratello Taddeo, più dotato artisticamente e di vita più breve, Federico ha lasciato ampie prove documentarie delle sue attività, dei suoi successi e fallimenti. Come evidenziato dai disegni di Federico, questo articolo analizza le influenze sulla sua formazione artistica derivanti dalla tutela formale ricevuta nell’atelier di Taddeo, dove fu chiamato a fondere la sua arte con quella del fratello. Il contributo considera poi gli aspetti generati dalla sua osservazione del mondo naturale e dallo studio approfondito dei grandi artisti del passato e dei suoi contemporanei; infine, sempre attraverso i disegni, indaga l’attrazione di Federico per i meccanismi del potere sociale e politico e il suo desiderio di raggiungere fama e ricompense materiali nel mondo competitivo di cui scelse di far parte.

Presentato 05/07/2024 Accettato 14/08/2024 Pubblicato 05/11/2024
Copyright © James Mundy This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license does not allows for commercial purpose. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
DOI 10.69114/LIDEA/2024.179-250 e-ISSN 3035-2452 Lingua en