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Fascicolo 2 - Disegni Anno I 2024

Nicolas Moillon (vers 1580-1619), peintre et marchand, graveur de paysages

Veronique Meyer
Université de Poitiers, Laboratoire Criham

Poitiers, France

Nicolas Moillon, a history painter, is not unknown, but his interest in landscape has not yet really attracted the scholars’ attention. After having highlighted some ignored or little-known features of his biography, this study examines his work as a landscapist, which is the current limit of five engravings. The importance he gave to this genre is also highlighted from his inventory after death. Through these engravings, this work describes the place held by landscape engraving in France during the years 1600-1615 and the difficulties encountered by artists in the use of etching and soft vermis, while taking into consideration exchanges between French and Flemish artists.

Nicolas Moillon, pittore di storia, non è un artista sconosciuto, ma il suo interesse per il paesaggio non ha ancora catturato l’attenzione degli studiosi. Dopo aver messo in luce alcuni tratti ignorati o poco noti della sua biografia, questo studio esamina la sua opera di paesaggista che, ad oggi, si limita a cinque incisioni. L’importanza di questo genere nella sua opera è sottolineata a partire dal suo inventario post mortem. Attraverso le sue incisioni, si ricostruiscono l’importanza del paesaggio inciso in Francia negli anni 1600-1615 e le difficoltà tecniche che gli artisti incontrano nell’uso dell’acquerello e della vernice morbida, tenendo in considerazione gli scambi tra i francesi e i fiamminghi.

Nicolas Moillon, peintre d’histoire, n’est pas un inconnu, mais son intérêt pour le paysage n’a pas encore vraiment retenu l’attention des spécialistes. Aussi, après avoir souligné quelques traits ignorés ou peu connus de sa biographie, cette étude est consacrée à son œuvre de paysagiste qui se limite aujourd’hui à cinq gravures. À partir de son inventaire après décès, nous montrons l’importance de ce genre dans son œuvre. Par le biais de ces estampes, nous mettons en lumière la place du paysage dans la gravure en France dans les années 1600-1615, les difficultés techniques que rencontrent les artistes dans l’usage de l’eau-forte et du vernis mou et les échanges entre artistes français et flamands.

Presentato 10/07/2024 Accettato 30/08/2024 Pubblicato 05/11/2024
Copyright © Veronique Meyer This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license does not allows for commercial purpose. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
DOI 10.69114/LIDEA/2024.179-266 e-ISSN 3035-2452 Lingua fr